اذا اراد ربنا هلاك نملة انبت لها اجنحة

An Arabic proverb from John Lewis Burckhardt’s book The Manners And Customs Of The Modern Egyptians.

  اذا اراد ربنا هلاك نملة انبت لها اجنحة
Literal meaning: If God proposes the destruction of an ant he allows her to grow wings. 
Meaning: The sudden elevation of persons to stations above their means or capacities, may often cause their ruin (a little like the biblical proverb "pride goes before the fall" 

You can download a free pdf of the book here. For more information on  John Lewis Burckhardt see his wikipedia page.

Note: This book was published in the 19th century, so the proverbs I quote may no longer be used. If a proverb is out date, comment below.

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